What You Need to Include in Your Trust to Protect Your Family’s Future

It is a common misconception that only the obscenely wealthy set up a trust fund in the UK. But it’s not true, and having a trust can offer a level of security for your family that a will cannot. What you include in your trust will vary depending on the type of trust. Here are some tips for preparing for a meeting with a specialist. 

Assess Your Assets 

Before meeting with a specialist when setting up a trust fund in the UK, you want to take the time to itemise your assets. This list of assets usually includes: 

  • Stocks and Bonds
  • Real Estate
  • Safe Deposit Boxes
  • Annuities

This is an incomplete list, but the general idea is that anything that is a valuable asset can, and should, be put into a trust. 


Investing is one of the best ideas for preparing for the future. When speaking with someone about trusts, you should consider talking to them about personal assets investment trust, personal assets trust portfolio, and the best UK investment trusts. As experts, they can use their years of experience to help you create a more financially secure future for your family. At Trustmark Law, we can help you understand how all of these things work. We will help guide you through the process and help you every step of the way. 

Setting Up a Trust Fund in the UK

When you are setting up a trust fund in the UK, there are a few possibilities for types of trusts. Our experts at Trustmark Law specialise in setting up trusts like:

  • Discretionary Trust
  • Protective Property Trust
  • NIL Rate Band Trust
  • Flexible Life Interest Trust

Not only that, but we can help you manage and maintain your trusts for years to come. 

How Working With a Specialist Can Help 

There are a lot of regulations that govern setting up a trust fund in the UK, especially when dealing with personal assets investment trust, personal assets trust portfolio, and what the best UK investment trusts are. You don’t want to leave your family’s future in the hands of someone that doesn’t understand the ins and outs of the laws regarding trusts. 

Find Someone You Can Trust

By working with one of our specialists at Trustmark Law, you can ensure that your family is taken care of to the best of your ability after you are gone. Contact us today with your final wishes and let us help you. Whether you need help drafting a will, updating a will, setting up a trust, assigning an LPA, and more, we are here to make sure you are confident in your family’s future. 

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